
Health Club Project

Health Club proposes to define and experiment a model of an inclusive territorial ecosystem, starting from the health sphere, trough the training and interconnection of socio-health workers with the foreign population.
From Our MOOC


Health is a “relational good”: that is, it flourishes in connections of trust and closeness. This is the axiom of HEALTH CLUB, a social innovation project applied to the sphere of care, based on the principles of respect and enhancement of diversity and community building around human frailties. More specifically, the project intends to test a transnational model of social inclusion in the socio-health field, by experimenting the creation of an intercultural professional curriculum for public health workers and volunteers, in order to mitigate cultural barriers and facilitate access to care for third-country nationals residing in Europe, starting from the two project partner countries: Italy and Turkey


The project, which is an Erasmus+ K2 small-scale in the field of adult education (Italian National Agency INDIRE), consists of 4 main actions, to be carried out over 16 months (September 2022-December 2023):


mapping of the needs of health professionals and volunteers, with a focus on the difficulties of managing cultural diversity, and of European good practices of diversity management, in the social and health field; it is aimed at collecting useful data for subsequent activities


participatory creation of a training curriculum model, based on the ANALYSIS data, gathering the skills needed by a health professional or volunteer to manage diversity; this activity will be carried out with the help of some external experts, selected through a public call


application of the JOB CLUB model (groups for mutual help and exchange of knowledge and information, for active job search) to the health sector, creating groups of health professionals, volunteers and migrants, who can validate the training curriculum, guided by facilitators, and creation of a MOOC


reaching out to foreign people and communities (including migrants) in the project's target territories, to promote the HEALTH CLUB model and proper access to care, in order to maximize its impact, both in preventive and curative terms

Who we are

three organisations caring for health, social issues and the most fragile people

Health Club

small local groups for mutual help and exchange of experiences and knowledge


training contents, developed in line with identified needs, available to all social and health workers

HEALTH CLUB project 2022-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000083141

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