The Job Club is a mutual aid group made up of jobseekers who, by meeting at a pre-established frequency, share knowledge and experiences on active job search, guided by a facilitator; moreover, during the meetings, participants can acquire and improve skills for active job search, deepening specific topics, with the help of experts. The relationship is the central aspect of the Job Club: it stimulates mutual understanding and a sense of belonging among participants.
HEALTH CLUB intends to translate this model to the social-health field (and this is an innovation!) and to access to care, conceiving the relationship as a place of care, i.e. a link through which it is possible to generate well-being. Participants in the HEALTH CLUB are health volunteers, health workers and people from different cultural backgrounds, including migrants; the aim is to enable them to meet, exchange knowledge, enrich each other and reflect on the issues of access to care, in a preventive and mitigating function of possible intercultural conflicts.
For further information on the Job Club method, on a conceptual level, please refer to one of its pioneers' texts: “Job Club Counselor's Manual: A Behavioral Approach to Vocational Counseling” by Nathan H. Azrin, Victoria A. Besalel-Azrin (University Park Press, 1980)