The specificities of the three partners are perfectly coherent with the structure and objectives of HEALTH CLUB, which intends to apply an innovative empowerment methodology (education, training, exchange of good practices) to the socio-health field, in an intercultural key, starting from two medical fields in which prevention and immediate access to treatment are key factors: oncology and viral diseases. HEALTH CLUB is a small experimental project, led by a heterogeneous partnership composed of:
(lead partner), a social cooperative that has always been involved in education, training and management of services to the person, to prevent and take care of human frailties
provincial section of Campobasso (Italy), a territorial voluntary organization (ODV) of the broader Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (LILT), the only Italian association-based public body active in the fields of primary, secondary and tertiary cancer prevention
Turkish branch of the organization Médicines du Monde, an NGO whose mission is to facilitate access to healthcare for populations affected by armed conflicts, violence, natural disasters, pandemics and diseases, famine, poverty and exclusion
HEALTH CLUB project 2022-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000083141
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