
Health Club Project

Health Club proposes to define and experiment a model of an inclusive territorial ecosystem, starting from the health sphere, trough the training and interconnection of socio-health workers with the foreign population.
From Our MOOC


What is a MOOC

A MOOC can be generically defined as «the final point in evolution for open educational resources (Mazoue, 2013)». Basically, MOOCs are ICT-based platforms that are «open, free to enroll and have open curricula McAuley et al., 2010». Moreover, «they are generally offered free of charge while course prerequisites are provided in the course description, together with the expected course outcomes. They do not offer a formal accreditation system (McAuley et al., 2010)». Since they were first conceived and designed in 2008 by Professor George Siemens (Athabasca University) as part of the university course ``Connectivism and Connective Knowledge``, MOOCs have been designed to be:


Thanks to digital possibilities, MOOCs are not bound by the limitations of a physical location, but harness the full power of digital technologies and the Internet. This makes MOOCs highly participative: depending on the platform chosen, the connection of the beneficiary and the server hosting the courses, as well as the computing power of the devices used, thousands of people together can enjoy the same content


Because the courses are open to everyone, regardless of cultural and socio-economic background; contrary to many university or vocational courses, which have a limited number of participants or are expensive, MOOCs are more accessible, thus more democratic: technically, anyone with Internet access can follow a MOOC


It is pure e-learning. If well organized, the student will be placed in a welcoming and well-organized learning environment, with attractive multimedia content, in which he/she can navigate, inform and train him/herself by self-organizing his/her own time and space


Although there are examples of classic face-to-face lessons, most MOOCs tend to focus on the concept of a class or seminar, creating a community of learners who can relate, share experiences and ideas, participate in collaborative activities. MOOCs are not ``boring online seminars``! Instead of just consuming knowledge, MOOC learners are invited to actively participate. Courses sometimes also include assignments and final exams


We are working on improving the usability of our MOOC, based on the suggestions sent to us by the first users!
All content will be back online soon. We apologise for the inconvenience.
For more information, please write to hc.euproject@gmail.com